A lot has happened since I last blogged. I created a free Core Values Course to help you find your core positive values and work with them in your everyday life to learn what you want on a deep level so you can begin to create it. Then I created a 14-Day Values Intensive Course to help you dive even deeper. I create classes that I want to take myself because there are so many things I want to learn. Let me tell you how taking these classes has played out in my life so far. It has been epic!

First let’s talk about values. The Oxford dictionary definition of values is: “a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.” It’s our internal motivation.
We always act according to our core values, but we might not always know what those values are, because often many of them are unconscious. Our values are fluid and might change a lot throughout our lives, so learning to check in with ourselves to see what is important to us at any given time is important. If we don’t know our core values, then we might have a hard time having things work out in our lives, because we might be acting from different motives than we think.
Take the free course to find your own personal core values.
When you know your values, then you know more how to make the decisions in your life. For me, my values were freedom, personal power, abundance, nurture, and positivity. Do I always live these? Nope. I decided to take my own course and see what happens, and what happened is I ended up in Rome!
So one of the reasons I started doing energy work was to help with my anxiety disorder. Years ago when I was in my old life, it got so bad it was hard to leave my house. When I started doing healing work for myself, I step by step was able to get out of that life and begin to build a new one for myself and I have much less anxiety than before--much less. One kind of anxiety I have still is travel anxiety. I absolutly love being in other places, but getting on a plane to get there will cause me a panic attack almost everytime. I don't know why I'm afraid to fly because I haven't always been, but I am. I take medication to cope when I have to get on a plane, but lots of time I've said no to travel because I was afraid of the anxiety I'd have to face. Well recently, an opportunity came to me to go to Rome for ten days. I have never had an opportunity like that come to me in my life before, and I wanted to go, but the the thought of short notice just jumping on a plane and going across the world was a tough decision and I wasn't sure I had the mental health to do it because of the travel anxiety. I was taking my core values course at the time and decided if freedom is my first core value, I'm going to say yes to the opportunity and see how it feels to be free and run around Rome. I made sure to see my psychiatrist to get the proper meds to help me fly and did all the work I needed to do to nurture myself as much as possible, because that is also one of my core values. It was rough to fly there, but I made it. Once I got there, I had the best trip of my life. I was so happy and enjoyed myself to the fullest.

You would not believe all I got to do there and all I got to see. I was so happy there, that one day I was walking down the street in the neighborhood where we were staying and I said to the universe, "Okay, I am okay if it is best for me to live in another country." I don't know if that will ever happen, but I have never felt the courage to set that intention before. I realized that freedom is a real thing, and I can live where I want, and do my work wherever, and I can choose that, or at least begin the process of creating that someday when it all comes together. I realized I could do most anything I wanted with my life. I just have to say yes.
I feel like learning that core value alone has literally opened up the world for me in a way it has never been open before. I have been working with all of mine and they are having a big impact in my life in different ways.
If you struggle to know what you want in your life, or what would make you happy on a deep level, if you struggle to know who you are outside of your responsibillities to others, or if you just want a change and don't know what way to move, learning your core values can change everything for you. It can empower you to know what you want, who you are, what you stand for, and in what was it is best for you to move forward in your life.

You deserve to know what you want and to learn how to take steps to get it. And so do I, so we can do this together. I would love to hear how this course works for you and the changes you see in your lives.
If you have taken the course and want some personalized support to help you remove any blocks or things holding you back from living those values, I'd very much love to help you with that. You can book sessions with me here:
The beautiful thing is that we are always growing and evoliving and learing new things about ourselves in regards to our values. I would love to hear how you live your life in alignment with your personal values and how that helps you know who you are and what you want.